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Get uncluttered in 3 easy steps

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably at the very least, vaguely familiar with the Netflix series Tidying up with Marie Kondo that’s got everyone shook. The pint-sized organizational guru is inspiring everyone to finally toss unwanted items (ones that no longer “spark joy”) in their homes and lead simpler, more peaceful lives through organization.

The concept itself is hardly anything new; anyone who lives with more than they need or have room for knows that a messy home often means a messy mind. A true de-cluttering process is as much a mental exercise as a physical one, which is why most people dread doing it.

A good decluttering requires careful planning, but doesn’t always have to be a soul-sucking operation. With this in mind, here are 3 quick-and-dirty steps to de-clutter.

Plan, prepare, process

Completing a deep clean is usually much harder than people anticipate. Many choose to procrastinate, leaving it until the last minute, until the mess has become too much to bear. Clearly, this isn’t a sensible or effective way of doing things.

Not only does this take more time, energy and subsequent organisation, but a danger of developing an attachment to obsolete items endures, if they have managed to endure years of hanging around.

Separating tasks into more manageable chunks then, with designated times and targets, serves to break up the monumental task considerably. This way of working will instill in you good practice too, helping to avoid further build-ups of clutter later down the line.

Be ruthless

Throwing away items you don’t need is often much easier said than done. Don’t simply consign them to the scrapheap if you can see some value in them (for someone else of course).

If you have many items that you would like to get rid of, but which are still in great condition, then why not put them up for auction on eBay or give them to a local charity for others to enjoy?

This can sometimes help you make some spare change on the side. Most of all though, be ruthless. Don’t cling onto stuff that you never use; if you’re not making the most of it now, you probably never will.

Put it away or put it out

The root of your clutter problem may not lie in the rubbish, but in a lack of storage solutions, or at least, savvy sorting of your stuff. You could be short on boxes to sort folders into or struggling to find space for new business investment.

Sort through your items by making a list of where everything should belong and invest in smart storage solutions to help you minimize clutter and bring real organization to your workplace. This will make it a much healthier and enjoyable environment for everyone in the family.

For everything from staging and organizational advice to selling, buying or finding investment property, The Merenda Real Estate Group has you covered. With our 20+ years of industry knowledge, and a client-forward approach, we’ll get you the results you want and the experience you deserve. Contact us today or call 416. 240. SOLD (7653).